The advancement of technology within reach of your organization

Technology is currently part of our day to day. We are surrounded by our cell phones and smart TVs. That is why the places where the most people are, such as organizations, are making progress in the implementation of contracting techniques such as  nearshore IT, which are companies that are dedicated to the outsourcing of personnel exclusively to promote software development. These organizations choose to offer and contract a nearshore it with nearby countries, companies such as Google, Oracle and Apple apply this formula, since geographical proximity is beneficial. This model has the peculiarity that it helps to reduce expenses, since there are lower salaries.

Heinsohn is one of the forerunners in advances in technology implemented in business management, since, for example, it managed to value itself as the first Colombian company to reach the maximum level 2.0 in Colombia, in the CMMI model. This CMMI method (Capabilities Maturity Integrated Model) allows evaluating the capabilities and qualities of the software development team, it was born thanks to the United States Department of Defense. It should be noted that Heinsohn had already obtained the first assessment in 2006 in version 1.1 level three.

Applying Advantage nearshore model?


The nearshore model allows you to be more competitive in the software development market, since your employees will be able to be more productive, they will not need to perform more functions, because nearshore offers the outsourcing of engineers and developers for specific software development functions.

24 hours of work

With Nearshore, work hours can be increased for the benefit of the project, since there is no difficulty in deliveries, because time zones help collaborators to work in hours that are initially not working hours and also increase communication between clients and companies.

How to apply nearshore?

It is enough to simply run a native interface, because the key is the correct communication between the manager of the organization and his collaborators.

It is also important to know that  BPM Integration (good manufacturing practices) continues to be part of the technological development of companies, this helps in the automated workflow, reacting in a timely manner to market changes that continually arise.

BPM Integration is a work methodology that integrates the model, visibility and management of the company’s production processes. It is a customer-focused model. The model arises in the 80s when the Japanese company Toyota applied it for the first time.

Advantages of BPM Integration 

Changes within the company

It is very useful when structural changes occur within organizations, for example a new collaboration or absorption.

Access to files made easy

By implementing BPM Integration, access to databases, certifications, and documents is easier.

Improves decision making

Managers of large companies can be more confident when making decisions since with the help of KPIs metrics they can check if market positioning strategies are being effective.


Stand out technical elements that relate to how to implement the model BPM Integration in documents and databases. We also find non-technical factors such as language, cost, and suppliers.

What is needed to implement BPM Integration?

A prior study and analysis of the software that is to be executed, since it depends on the area or department of the company where it is going to be implemented. Subsequently, the development should be thought of taking into account the training of the people in charge of its correct operation and then focus on monitoring.

Another advance in bpm analytic dashboard,  which allows you to see the evolution of tasks and processes in graphical format, here users can see the status of their processes, if they are ready and if they are in an error state. It is a tool that allows employees to optimize their time, since by integrating this value chain they can focus on other activities. It is a kind

Advantages of analytic dashboard

Analysis Real-time

It allows a better follow-up on the processes that are being executed, in addition to the possibility of having a timeline that shows the duration, events and states of the tasks that the organization is carrying out, with this business management becoming more effective.

Greater planning capacity

Statistics allow not only to verify tasks and processes in real time, but they can also serve as a way to plan strategies before starting any project, setting objectives, goals, people responsible, and duration of action .

Because it allows you to measure multiple KPIs and metrics at the same time. If we manage campaigns of a certain complexity, the normal thing is that we end up having several analytics solutions for each platform and we have to consult them separately, which hinders the global vision. Instead, the dashboard can display data collected from different sources, such as web analytics solutions, social media metrics, and data from our CMR.

How to implement the analytic dashboard?

It is important to create a measurement plan, which allows you to translate business objectives into metrics. It is important to have a basis such as the following:

Objectives- Strategies- Tactics- Segments- Target

This will guarantee the correct work flow in your organization with the BPM analytic dashboard. 

Three advances in business management that are of great importance in the world today.

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