How to download any APK file directly online

As we all knows, in Android, there are so many applications who are country specific or device specific which you can’t directly download from your google play account.

Example, to download the latest version of Google Calendar, your Android version must be 4.1 or higher otherwise it will throw some error like “This app is incompatible with all of your devices” or “This item is not available in your country” as shown below:

Even a normal user can’t directly download the valid APK such as Modroi from Google Play Store, it will directly install on your Android Phone which is attached with your Google Account.

So with the help of APK Downloader, you can easily download any APK file whether its available for your country or not, or even its incompatible with your device, still you can download that APK file.

When you open APK Downloader website, you simply need to put the URL of particular APK file which you find it through Google Play Store or you can even simply put the package name of that particular android app like “” for above said application.

And then Hit the Generate Download Link button.

Alternatively, you can also use APKPURE or APKMOD.CC for downloading APK free of cost.

Do you have any other way to download the APK files? Share your way at

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