Magento Storefront

Magento is one of the most popular platforms for e-commerce stores. Magento features open-source code, as well as work based on MySQL and PHP The first version of Magento was released back in 2007 and has been owned by Adobe.

Why should you pay attention to Magento?

If you decide to start a business related to online sales, then first you need to decide on the choice of the platform on the basis of which your online store will operate. Do not underestimate this point, because the CMS acts as the basis for any web resource, which ensures stable operation.

Magento is exactly the platform that perfectly meets all the requirements for online commerce websites. The possibilities of this CMS are almost endless, which allows you to flexibly configure your online store for any type of business.

Magento store development will be a winning solution as the platform’s functionality includes a huge list of ready-to-use features. This allows you to reduce the number of additional costs for third-party configuration. The platform offers automated management of product catalogs. By default, the system includes the following features: groupings, filtering, delivery modules, payment modules, carts, recommendations, reviews, added and viewed products.

Magento store benefits

The Magento platform offers its users some obvious advantages:

  • high-quality search engine optimization;
  • a wide range of marketing tools;
  • detailed reporting and analytics;
  • wide catalog capabilities;
  • protection from viruses;
  • ease of administration.

CMS Magento is friendly to all search engines, which allows you to quickly bring the website to the first positions for key queries in your topic. A wide range of marketing tools will allow you to easily implement a variety of promotion methods – new items, discounts, bestsellers, coupons, etc. Detailed analytics and reporting will allow you to keep abreast of the dynamics of resource development, make timely changes, thereby constantly increasing sales.

The wide possibilities of the catalog allow for flexible and completely individual customization, which will be most convenient for end-users. An important aspect is the high-security standards of the Magento system, which are constantly being raised and supplemented with each update. This allows sites to work stably and properly, with minimal risk of malicious attacks. Users appreciate Magento for the ease of administration, because after the completion of the development and configuration process, you have an opportunity to easily manage the resource yourself, adding, deleting, and editing data on the website at your discretion.

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