1 |
abs(number) |
Returns the absolute value of a number. |
2 |
apply(function[, args[, kwds]]) |
Calls a given function, optionally with parameters. |
3 |
all(iterable) |
Returns True if all the elements of iterable are true; otherwise, it returns False. |
4 |
any(iterable) |
Returns True if any of the elements of iterable are true; otherwise, it returns False. |
5 |
basestring() |
An abstract superclass for str and unicode, usable for type checking. |
6 |
bool(object) |
Returns True or False, depending on the Boolean value of object. |
7 |
callable(object) |
Checks whether an object is callable. |
8 |
chr(number) |
Returns a character whose ASCII code is the given number. |
9 |
classmethod(func) |
Creates a class method from an instance method. |
10 |
cmp(x, y) |
Compares x and y. If x < y, it returns a negative number; if x > y, it returns a positive number; and if x == y, it returns zero. |
11 |
complex(real[, imag]) |
Returns a complex number with the given real (and, optionally, imaginary) component. |
12 |
delattr(object, name) |
Deletes the given attribute from the given object. |
13 |
dict([mapping-or-sequence]) |
Constructs a dictionary, optionally from another mapping or a list of (key, value) pairs. May also be called with keyword arguments. |
14 |
dir([object]) |
Lists (most of) the names in the currently visible scopes, or optionally (most of) the attributes of the given object. |
15 |
divmod(a, b) |
Returns (a//b, a%b) (with some special rules for floats). |
16 |
enumerate(iterable) |
Iterates over (index, item) pairs, for all items in iterable. |
17 |
eval(string[, globals[, locals]]) |
Evaluates a string containing an expression, optionally in a given global and local scope. |
18 |
execfile(file[, globals[, locals]]) |
Executes a Python file, optionally in a given global and local scope. |
19 |
file(filename[, mode[, bufsize]]) |
Creates a file object with a given file name, optionally with a given mode and buffer size. |
20 |
filter(function, sequence) |
Returns a list of the elements from the given sequence for which function returns true. |
21 |
float(object) |
Converts a string or number to a float. |
22 |
frozenset([iterable]) |
Creates a set that is immutable, which means it can be added to other sets. |
23 |
getattr(object, name[, default]) |
Returns the value of the named attribute of the given object, optionally with a given default value. |
24 |
globals() |
Returns a dictionary representing the current global scope. |
25 |
hasattr(object, name) |
Checks whether the given object has the named attribute. |
26 |
help([object]) |
Invokes the built-in help system, or prints a help message about the given object. |
27 |
hex(number) |
Converts a number to a hexadecimal string. |
28 |
id(object) |
Returns the unique ID for the given object. |
29 |
input([prompt]) |
Equivalent to eval(raw_input(prompt)). |
30 |
int(object[, radix]) |
Converts a string or number (optionally with a given radix) or number to an integer. |
31 |
isinstance(object, classinfo) |
Checks whether the given object is an instance of the given classinfo value, which may be a class object, a type object, or a tuple of class and type objects. |
32 |
issubclass(class1, class2) |
Checks whether class1 is a subclass of class2 (every class is a subclass of itself). |
33 |
iter(object[, sentinel]) |
Returns an iterator object, which is object. __iter__(), an iterator constructed for iterating a sequence (if object supports __getitem__), or, if sentinel is supplied, an iterator that keeps calling object in each iteration until sentinel is returned. |
34 |
len(object) |
Returns the length (number of items) of the given object. |
35 |
list([sequence]) |
Constructs a list, optionally with the same items as the supplied sequence. |
36 |
locals() |
Returns a dictionary representing the current local scope. |
37 |
long(object[, radix]) |
Converts a string (optionally with a given radix) or number to a long integer. |
38 |
map(function, sequence, ...) |
Creates a list consisting of the values returned by the given function when applying it to the items of the supplied sequence(s). |
39 |
max(object1, [object2, ...]) |
If object1 is a nonempty sequence, the largest element is returned; otherwise, the largest of the supplied arguments (object1, object2, . . .) is returned. |
40 |
min(object1, [object2, ...]) |
If object1 is a nonempty sequence, the smallest element is returned; otherwise, the smallest of the supplied arguments (object1, object2, . . .) is returned. |
41 |
object() |
Returns an instance of object, the base class for all new style classes. |
42 |
oct(number) |
Converts an integer number to an octal string. |
43 |
open(filename[, mode[, bufsize]]) |
An alias for file (use open, not file, when opening files). |
44 |
ord(char) |
Returns the ASCII value of a single character (a string or Unicode string of length 1). |
45 |
pow(x, y[, z]) |
Returns x to the power of y, optionally modulo z. |
46 |
property([fget[, fset[, fdel[, doc]]]]) |
Creates a property from a set of accessors. |
47 |
range([start, ]stop[, step]) |
Returns a numeric range (as a list) with the given start (inclusive, default 0), stop (exclusive), and step (default 1). |
48 |
raw_input([prompt]) |
Returns data input by the user as a string, optionally using a given prompt. |
49 |
reduce(function, sequence[, initializer]) |
Applies the given function cumulatively to the items of the sequence, using the cumulative result as the first argument and the items as the second argument, optionally with a start value (initializer). |
50 |
reload(module) |
Reloads an already loaded module and returns it. |
51 |
repr(object) |
Returns a string representation of the object, often usable as an argument to eval. |
52 |
reversed(sequence) |
Returns a reverse iterator over the sequence. |
53 |
round(float[, n]) |
Rounds off the given float to n digits after the decimal point (default zero). |
54 |
set([iterable]) |
Returns a set whose elements are taken from iterable (if given). |
55 |
setattr(object, name, value) |
Sets the named attribute of the given object to the given value. |
56 |
sorted(iterable[, cmp][, key][, reverse]) |
Returns a new sorted list from the items in iterable. Optional parameters are the same as for the list method sort. |
57 |
staticmethod(func) |
Creates a static (class) method from an instance method. |
58 |
str(object) |
Returns a nicely formatted string representation of the given object. |
59 |
sum(seq[, start]) |
Returns the sum of a sequence of numbers, added to the optional parameter start (default 0). |
60 |
super(type[, obj/type]) |
Returns the superclass of the given type (optionally instantiated). |
61 |
tuple([sequence]) |
Constructs a tuple, optionally with the same items as the supplied sequence. |
62 |
type(object) |
Returns the type of the given object. |
63 |
type(name, bases, dict) |
Returns a new type object with the given name, bases, and scope. |
64 |
unichr(number) |
The Unicode version of chr. |
65 |
unicode(object[, encoding[, errors]]) |
Returns a Unicode encoding of the given object, possibly with a given encoding, and a given mode for handling errors ('strict', 'replace', or 'ignore'; 'strict' is the default). |
66 |
vars([object]) |
Returns a dictionary representing the local scope, or a dictionary corresponding to the attributes of the given object (do not modify the returned dictionary, as the result of such a modification is not defined by the language reference). |
67 |
xrange([start, ]stop[, step]) |
Similar to range, but the returned object uses less memory, and should be used only for iteration. |
68 |
zip(sequence1, ...) |
Returns a list of tuples, where each tuple contains an item from each of the supplied sequences. The returned list has the same length as the shortest of the supplied sequences. |