A Brief Overview of Kali Linux Tools

Kali Linux offers a number of customized tools designed for Penetration Testing. Tools are categorized in the following groups as seen in the drop-down menu shown in the following screenshot: Information Gathering: These…

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DKMC – Another Wonderful Malicious Payload Evasion Tool (Windows Hacking)

Windows would be one of our common targets, since it is the most used operating system in the corporate environment. Since most of you are familiar with Windows, it would be easy to…

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MSFvenom Payload Creator (MSFPC) – Installation and Usage

With the help of MSFPC, you can quickly generate the payload based on msfvenom module which is a part of Metasploit Framework. So MSFvenom Payload Creator is a simple wrapper to generate multiple…

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Meterpreter Commands in Detail 2017 – Metasploit Framework

After a successful exploit a Meterpreter shell allows you to perform many different functions along with a full remote shell. Meterpreter is great for manipulating a system once you get a remote connection,…

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Steal Windows Product Key Remotely with Metasploit Framework

As discussed previously, we had successfully exploited a windows machine with Metasploit Framework and created an administrator user in targeted machine. Now in this article, we’ll another exploit which steals the Windows Product…

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Use Keylogger in Metasploit Framework

Sometimes a penetration tester may have remote access to a user’s machine, but he may not have the user’s password. Maybe the user has a very long complex password that would just take…

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Change Windows Password of Remote PC via METASPLOIT

To change windows password, the first step is to hack that system via Metasploit framework and it always depends upon the target OS, like which version your target is using. In this article,…

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MSFVENOM – All payload examples – Cheatsheet 2017

Msfvenom is a Metasploit Standalone Payload Generator which is a replacement of msfpayload and msfencode. Through msfvenom, you can generate any kind of shellcode/payload depending upon the platform/OS you want to hack. Often…

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Meterpreter Useful Top 60 Commands List – 2017 Update

Meterpreter is an advanced, dynamically extensible payload that uses in-memory DLL injection stagers and is extended over the network at runtime. It communicates over the stager socket and provides a comprehensive client-side Ruby…

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OS Detection using Metasploit Framework

In previous article, we identified the name of the operating system using Ping command. But today we’ll show you that how you can identify the OS using one and only one post exploitation…

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Hack Windows 10 using CHAOS Framework – 100% FUD

CHAOS is a framework based on Linux through which you can easily generate the payloads and control remote machines like Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. In other language, you can say, CHAOS Framework is the minimal…

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Hack Android using Metasploit without Port Forwarding over Internet – 2017

Today we’ll discuss about the post exploitation attack using metasploit framework to hack any Android Device without any port forwarding. Generally you can get easily reverse TCP connection with Meterpreter in a LAN…

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Generate 100% FUD Backdoor with TheFatRat – Windows 10 Exploitation

As you all knows, Windows 10 is the latest edition of Microsoft having great security features but what if someone send a trojan/virus/backdoor/payload which is 100% FUD (Fully Undetectable) ? So basically, with…

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Hack Android using Metasploit over LAN/WAN

In this article, we’ll be discuss about the exploitation of Android devices such as Tablets/Phones/Emulators etc using one of the most popular exploitation framework called as Metasploit Framework and MSFvenom. Here, we will…

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Metasploit Framework – A Post Exploitation Tool – Hacker’s Favorite Tool

The Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. Metasploit is a tool which is used by penetration testers…

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