Are you tired of losing chargebacks or just getting charged back in general? If that’s the case, We’re here to help you. We’ve been dealing with PayPal for approx more than 6 years, and in that time, we must say, chargebacks can become annoying. In this article, We will show you how to fight these chargebacks and Win.
The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate at which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on new conditions. This article is only for informational purpose only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people and organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is concerned, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This article is not intended for use as a legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely
coincidental. All Rights Reserved
Winning as the seller – Method 1
In order to win as a seller you will want to take advantage of PayPal’s policy of not covering transactions with intangible goods.
Here is an excerpt from PayPal’s buyer protection
“One of the most important requirements for coverage under Seller Protection is proof of shipment or delivery. Since deliveries made in person and sales of intangible goods do not have verifiable shipping documentation, we cannot currently extend protection for these types of transactions.”
Here is another excerpt
“PayPal Purchase Protection only applies to PayPal payments for certain tangible, physical goods. Payments for the following are not eligible for reimbursement under PayPal Purchase Protection:
Intangible items, including Digital Goods
Real estate, including residential property
Vehicles, including motor vehicles, motorcycles, caravans, aircraft and boats
Custom made items
Travel tickets, including airline flight tickets
Items prohibited by the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy
Items which you collect in person, or arrange to be collected on your behalf, including
at the retail point of sale
Items that violate eBay’s Prohibited or Restricted Items Policy
Industrial machinery used in manufacturing
Items equivalent to cash, including prepaid or gift cards
PayPal Direct Payments
Virtual Terminal Payments
Personal Payments”
Since Intangible items and digital goods are not covered by buyers protection, you can simply say that what you sold to the buyer was a digital item. If you have a friend, you can even fake Skype logs and edit with Photoshop, but if you do that make sure you run it through Imgur or a image hosting site. ( WE highly recommend you DON’T do this
due to this being considered fraud. )
Method 2
For second method, all you will be doing is sending the buyer a empty cardboard box. Simply check the address that’s linked to the buyer’s PayPal account, go to your local post office and send off a empty letter empty cardboard box.
Once you mail out whatever you sent MAKE SURE you get the tracking number, that is the ONLY way you will win the case. Once you get the tracking number simply add it to dispute and 98% of the time you WILL win. To guarantee you win the dispute, you can take a picture of the receipt you receive from the post office and add that along with the tracking number.
You could also create a email exactly same as the buyer but under a different email host and pretend that you’re them and send yourself emails saying that you received the package or whatever. ( WE DO NOT recommend doing this part considering that it’s fraud. )
Conclusion to winning as a seller
If you don’t want to go through all of that trouble, you can talk to the buyer and come on to an agreement of giving a partial refund.
Example: Buyer bought a $100 item, you give a $20-25 refund
Winning as a buyer – Method 1
These methods work extremely well if you are buying BTC and you already sent the BTC seller PayPal currency and they never sent you the BTC that you rightfully purchased.
When you open the dispute you can simply make up some bullshit like “I have purchased a iPhone 6s and requested the tracking number and he never responded. I feel as if he took my money and ran off. This can be simply solved if I can get the tracking number or I would like my money back”
97% of the time, the other person will NOT add a tracking number and just make up some bullshit.
Conclusion to winning as a buyer
We also suggest that you send as “services” and not “friends and family”. You will not win if you send as “Friends and family”
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