Q: RF signals offer relatively short range as compared to light signals. True or false?

Answer: False.

Q: What type of weather impacts RF signals the most?

Answer: Heavy rain.

Q: Why does interference cause errors in wireless networks?

Answer: The interference causes the receiver to misunderstand the signal because two signals are present at the same time.

Q: What are sources of RF interference?

Answer: General examples include cordless phones, microwave ovens, and Bluetooth devices.

Q: Multipath affects higher data rates more than lower data rates for 2.4 GHz systems. True or false?

Answer: True. The receiver has difficulties with differentiating one bit from another when demodulating high data rate signals because the bits are close together.

Q: What is meant by a diffused infrared light system?

Answer: A system that emits light in all directions that reflects off of the ceiling and walls.

Q: Approximately up to what range do direct infrared systems operate?

Answer: 1 mile.

Q: How does modulation make it possible to transmit information through the air?

Answer: Modulation superimposes an information signal onto a carrier signal that has a frequency suitable for propagating through the air.

Q: What attributes of a signal does QAM change in order to represent information?

Answer: Amplitude and phase.

Q: Spread spectrum generally requires user licenses. True or false?

Answer: False.


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